Funny ( a frustrating story ) : I often pass along WT Critical info to FB friends that were or are connected to JW in some way. One fellow in particular whom I've known for 15 years faded out completely over a decade ago.
Guy has some pretty sketchy acquaintances and is known for being a ladies man ( haha ) but all in all still an ok guy. Anyhow he recently asked me to stop sending him clips from the WT critical FB groups as he says that although he's not apposed ( his lifestyle certainly is ) he has no problems with the 'society'. BTW this guy was coerced into baptism at a young age and never reproved or DF'ed.
Anyways pretty pathetic considering the crap I endured as an adult going through all the hoops till I found out I had been duped. So this guy does as he pleases, gets layed left and right no problems and still tight with family. I on the other hand DA on account of doing what I feel is right and having integrity to not BS nor lie to anyone. I guess he does what he has to do to simply be and stay faded but the fact he still stands up for the 'society' and not even consider or open his mind to what I send him upsets me a little. We still talk and share a hobby but it's weird. To each his own just thought I'd share this.